Manage Your Business's Social Media in a Crisis - 411 Locals

Social media is one of the most important and effective communication tools during a crisis. 

It allows you to softly promote your products and services and provide support to their customers. 

However, for social media to be efficient, it must be well-organized and have a defined policy. 

Here are several strategies that can be beneficial for you and your company. 

Don’t Look at the Crisis as an Opportunity

While it is okay to softly promote and sell your products or services right now, you should do it with a layer of care and empathy. 

Your number one priority should be to showcase to your customers and the world we are all in this together and you are here to help. 

Reorganize Your Current Social Media Strategy

Take a pause and reconsider your social media policy. 

Reevaluate all the content that you were planning to use in the upcoming weeks and put a hold on all posts that aren’t appropriate given the recent events. 

Also, take a step back and reflect on your pre-set goals. 

Perhaps you need to focus less on new customer acquisition and more on client retention and support. 

Do NOT be shy to make adjustments to your content to better match the changing needs of your customers

Focus on Helping Others

Sometimes it is the tiniest gestures that make the greatest impact. 

Use your social media to educate all your followers on how to remain safe and healthy on your topic of expertise and what Do-It-Yourself things they can do if you can’t come to their house or place of business to help them.

Try to have fun with it.  As an example, if you are a beautician, there’s nothing that says you can’t do a cute video about doing a self haircut at home.  You probably know better than anyone what tricks there are.

Post it and then circulate it (we are assuming you have a customer email list) to your customers and prospects. 

Inform Your Customers About Changes

Most people will continue to use your services if you make them think and feel they can do it safely.

So consider a Best Practices post on how a lawn care company, as an example, should mow the lawn of a customer.

Does that sound weird to you?

It’s better to address any concerns now then try and win back a customer after they seek to leave.


As your lawn care company, we take the COVID 19 social distancing principles seriously.  

Here are the practices we do:

  • Our employees arrive in separate vehicles or vehicles with the windows open the whole time wearing masks as they ride together;
  • We NEVER approach your house or business or come to your door to discuss issues.  Any administrative issues are dealt with over the phone.


  • Our employees are required to wear clean clothes every day and the shift managers are required to wash down the interiors of their vehicles.
  • We no longer ask for payments by check, but now ask that you use our payment portal to pay by credit card.
  • Etc, etc.


You can make a short video of the above and circulate it to your clients as well as posting on your other social media platforms like Facebook, etc.  

We recommend you follow the pillaring methods discussed on this website for more information on content distribution.

Ensure Your Clients That They Can Trust Your Company

Reaffirm Your Customers and Be Committed to Their Well-Being

During natural disasters and global pandemics, most people are reluctant to use outside help for their basic needs, as they don’t feel they are safe enough. Use your different social media platforms that you are taking the necessary precautions to ensure their well-being. Share with them your new cleaning & disinfection policies, implementation of protective supplies, and other innovations that you will be used to offer them safe and dependable products and services. 

Secure Your Accounts

Your customers should have peace of mind that your social media is a reliable and secure source of information during perilous times. Take the necessary measures to protect your accounts from hackers and other wrongdoers. Change your passwords frequently, use two-step identification, update your cyber-security, etc. Many will be relying on your posts for their needs so do NOT lose their trust because of a weak password. 

Every business is affected during a crisis, but if you focus on helping your customers and communicating clearly with them they will use you now when they can and be loyal customers in the future when the crisis dies down.

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